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Posted on: Jul 30 2010, 11:56 AM


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QUOTE (Sanitarium @ Jul 30 2010, 11:09 AM) *
sorry i meant the three point line

it seemed like vinny always had him standing in the corners, too far out for him to take advantage of anyone.

Luol could have a nice year. Boozer is another big man that has good vision and looks for cutters.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #44314 · Replies: 5 · Views: 3,900

Posted on: Aug 16 2008, 09:41 AM


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Im not to sure if im buying all of this yet. There have been many statements from players, and they wind up back with their teams. Kinda like Kobe last summer... but we'll see what happens... Gordons crew really thinks he should get paid more, but i cant see J.R. paying more than what they already offered. If its all about the money, then bye bye Ben.

Ive said it before, and ill say it again, I cant see B Gordon fitting in this team with DRose in here.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #37432 · Replies: 43 · Views: 18,071

Posted on: Jul 3 2008, 12:12 PM


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QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jul 2 2008, 09:52 PM) *
From what I've seen, Rose is a completely different person on the court than off. If you saw the NCAA tournament, you saw him lay it all on the line, he was the leader of that team and I don't think you'll have a problem with him speaking up when it comes game time. I could care less if he's good with the "Media" or not.

i can say as a quiet person it is totaly different on the court or field or whatever than it is off. with the media he is very quiet but on the court i think he is the total opposite. also rose being a leader is just as much leading by example as it is vocal.

I'm with you guys, I understand he is going to be the leader of the team... If everything goes as planned, he's going to be the best player in the Bulls roster (unless they make a trade).... That alone will make him the leader of the team. Last year, the Bulls didnt have a clear-cut on who was the best player of the team...

As far as leading by example goes... That can only take you so far... Just look at Ben Wallace... He was also brought in as leader, to lead by example... work hard etc.... But he's not much a vocal guy and that was needed. At the same time, i understand that he started to decline, and players stopped looking up to him pretty quickly.

-The Bulls need a player that also gets onto their teamates.. Players sometimes need a different voice than the coaches... As of today, IMO, Joakim Noah is the best leader. He's a natural born leader. He's someone that looks like he will be able to push everyone when things arent going too good on the court. Is Rose ever going to get to Joakim's level, is he ever going to look like a guy that people say, "that guy look like a natural born leader"...? Maybe, maybe not... But I'm sure he'll be just fine because he understands, knows what the role of playing the point guard is all about, what he's suppose to do, and the key... he's willing to listen.

-In brief, In my opinion, when Rose takes over as the Bulls best player, he will be the leader of the team, and im sure he will be just fine in that role. When he really starts feeling comfortable around everyone, and people start to look up at him because he's the best player, Rose will open up more. Pretty much the same as Memphis. That being said, Joakim will definitely be one of our true vocal leaders of the team... And that is something very important to have in a team. bullssmilie1.jpg
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36882 · Replies: 36 · Views: 16,170

Posted on: Jul 2 2008, 07:57 PM


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3 Things that really stood out for me about Rose...

-1st, He has a loooooong way to go on his leadership skills. He's not very vocal, and he doesnt have too much experience because he was the youngest out of 4 kids.... That being said, im glad he said that he IS going to be a leader. Im glad he recognizes that.

-2nd, he is willing to listen and learn. That's huge. This guy could go very far...

-3rd... He's very confident
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36868 · Replies: 36 · Views: 16,170

Posted on: Jun 30 2008, 07:46 AM


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I kinda like it, and kinda dont....


-Solid defensive player
-Will bring in some leadership
-Can teach a thing or two to our young players
-Can hit the mid-range shot
-Only 2 years left on contract (frees up money for the 2010 season)
-Bulls finally get someone to match up against Dwight Howard!
-Frees up some backcourt space
-Lets Rose get pretty much all of the minutes right away and develops quick


-Might get the Ben Wallace effect, start to see him decline
-Injury prone
-He's no post player, which is something the Bulls still need
-Takes minutes away from our young guys

-At the end of the day, i think I would welcome this trade bringit.gif
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36694 · Replies: 19 · Views: 8,862

Posted on: Jun 29 2008, 02:07 PM


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QUOTE (eddog2 @ Jun 29 2008, 10:10 AM) *
Thabo & Tyrus have done nothing in the NBA to deserve big contract extensions and if they do develop before the 2010/2011 season when their new contracts would become effective then we can consider giving them big $. The same goes for Noah. All three of them have to develop significantly before we go shelling out $10 million per on any of them.

Rose on the other hand will get his $12+ million or max depending on how quickly he develops. But his future extension likely won't be until after Gordon's last year of his contract so there is a wash there. I think Nocioni only signed a 2 or 3 year deal so he'll also be coming off the books buy the start of the 2010/2011 season and there is no gaurantee that Paxson plans on keeping Gooden so that could be another $8 coming of the books after this season.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I think Paxson has positioned himself to be able to re-sign all of the players he wants to kieep. If they plan on getting rid of Kirk/Gooden future picks & something for a stud power forward that makes around $15 million and some small expiring contract then we'll have no problem signing Gordon to a $10 million deal. Especially if we let Nocioni go after 2 more seasons. Plus Paxson could structure both Gordon & Dengs deals the same way he did Hinrichs and have the initial 2 years pay out a couple million more per season so that by the time Tyrus & Thabo need extensions we have more cap space. Hughes $12.8 also comes off the books the year before the extensions and that is huge. But it will be the 1st 2 years of their deals that we really have cap room problems. But once Hughe's and Nocioni's contracts come of the board we should have enough to re-sign Noah/Tyrus & Thabo with the $20 million. And by the time Rose needs an extension Brand will likely be coming off the books or be getting a significantly lower salary.

Brand $15
Deng $10
Gordon $10
Rose $5 (up to 7 in his final season before the qualifying offer)
Nocioni $8
Thabo $2
Noah $2.3
Hughes $12.8

So, Jerry needs to open the pocket book and reallize that slighly going over the cap for 2 years is in the best interest of the team. Front loading Deng and Gordon's contracts will be the best thing for our organization. If we can pay them $12 million per for the first 2 years of their contract and then we only owe them $8 million in the final 2 years or $8.67 in the final 3 of their deals depending on if they get 4 or 5 year extensions.

I believe that we would be a championship caliber team with a move for Brand or another stud PF. Gordon is a great 2nd option and will only be that much more dangerious with a real PG and a great low post option. When we play small there would be no way to defend a Rose/Gordon/Deng/Tyrus/Brand lineup. No way. Rose could penstrate and throw the low to Tyrus like Paul does to Tyson. Or he could thow it in to Brand who can score against most players 1 on 1. If the double comes you kick it out to Rose who then either dribble drive for an easy layup or the defense callapses even more and he kicks it out to Deng for an easy 15 footer or if the defense collapses on Deng, Deng swings it to Gordon who is money in the bank from the arc.

That lineup would be sick. And you can even substitute the less athletic Noah for Tyrus and still be okay. We'd get up and down the court with the best of them.

Man I pray a deal for Brand or someone else gets done soon. The Celtics only have maybe 1 more year of dominance if that left b/c Allen is bound to go down with an injury or they'll all start to play like a year older than they are. The Pistons are getting to the point of being over the hill and unless they can steal Melo from the Nuggets they will be fading fast. The teams we'll be competing with are Orlando, Atlanta, Philly, Miami, and whoever Lebron goes too (because I don't think Cleveland can put together a team that he can will with). Toronto could be much improved but I just don't think they are a top team for years to come.

I think this is the time to act. I think the next 4 years are ours to start dominating again and I don't want to wait until the Magic figure out the puzzle that allows Dwight and company to rule the East. Miami is also cap space and a few pieces away from being serious competitors again. Now is the time to act and I hope Paxson does just that. It may take Rose a year or 2 to develop into the player we need but he needs to be out on the floor in significant minutes in order to do that. Let him learn the hard way and the reward will be that much greater in 2 years.

Excellent post. I like Brand coming into this team... But there are still questions marks....

-Clippers would probably want Hinrich and most likely Thomas... However, lately, Paxson is sounding like Thomas is a keeper because of Derrick Rose joining the team. Paxson thinks Thomas is really going to blossom, especially with his athletic capabilities. Also, Rose is going to be really good in like what... 3 years? Thomas is going to be good in like... 3 years... Brand is going to be somewhat declining in 3 years. I believe Paxson will stick with Thomas if he believes that in 3 years, Thomas will be a little bit better than Brand is when Brand is 32 or 33 years of age... I dunno, who knows what king of vision Paxson has...

The Bulls are trying to be a GREAT team.... not just a really good one. I believe that Brand will make us a really good team for the next couple of years, but the Bulls will be at their best when Rose begins to hit his peak.

-That being said, if we can get Brand for Hinrich and Gooden, then that would be great! But i doubt the Clippers would jump on that:-( As far as Noah goes, he would need to be kept because he is our only guy with size that can play consistent minutes at the C position...

-Going back to Gordon... As ive mentioned, i really like Gordon and what he brings offensively... And maybe its just me, but im just a little tired of seeing 2 undersized guards for long periods of times... There are lots of times when our defensive breaks down because of having to double team someone because our guards are too small. Not only that but then they get into foul trouble quickly. And remember, great teams have like no weaknesses. Gordon and Kirk worked somewhat... heck, it worked most of the time... But I dont see Rose being as good as a defender is as Kirk is... Plus Rose is even shorter...

Bottom line... Bulls need to unload some guards... no question Kirk will be out. But does it make a lot of sense to keep Gordon and Rose... Im not an expert, so we'll see what Paxson does. Also, i really believe that the Bulls will go as far as Thomas goes. We have a pretty good idea of how everyone games are, and what they bring... But Thomas has loads of potential, and if he turns out to be a really good player, the Bulls will be a really good team. We just gotta wait, be patient, and see what happens...
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36665 · Replies: 23 · Views: 10,005

Posted on: Jun 29 2008, 12:20 AM


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QUOTE (eddog2 @ Jun 28 2008, 09:00 PM) *
Let Gordon go for nothing? Start Tyrus, Noah, Thabo and not try and trade for a stud PF/C b/c defensively. B/C Tyrus & Noah are transformers with the abilty to push a button and morphe into offensive studs. I'm with you that they need PT to get better but we need a scorer and making a deal that ships Gooden out of here and gives us a stud PF/C is the only obvious thing that Paxson still needs to do. Noah got plenty of minutes the 2nd half of last year. As for getting Tyrus minutes, I think we need to ship Nocioni & Gooden out the door and then use Tyrus as the first reserve at the 3/4.

Oh, and by the way, this has got to be the worst threads I've seen since joining almost 2 years ago and here is why. There is no way we can afford to just let Gordon walk out the door. Let him walk out the door b/c we have too many guards when he's our best freaking guard and our best freaking scorer. Are you shitting me? Sure his defense isn't up to par with his offense but you said it yourself, VDN is going to try and mask peoples weaknesses. Maybe he can come up with some different defensive plays for when Gordon is out on the court. Anyway, there is no way in hell we can just let Gordon walk out the door without getting something in return. At the very least we need to trade for an expiring contract and a 1st round pick (top 3 protected). There will be a boat load of teams (especially the Knicks) willing to make that kind of a deal. spiff we could probably ship Gordon & Hughes up for Marbury's expiring contract and a future 1st. Then we could tell Marbury he's not welcome in the building and wait until he comes off the books (or use his expiring contract in a future trade). You could then move Kirk over to the SG along with Thabo and amazingly my plan is better than just letting him go and it free's up cap space and minutes for both Thabo & Rose. Thabo & Kirk can also rotate at PG for the 2nd unit. Under this scenario I'd still like to add a veteran PG or SG who can hit the 3 (Eddie House). Damn under this scenario it would have been nice to have CDR.

As for having a bench player make $8-10 million I see no problem with that if it is a player of Ben Gordon's ability. The guy is flat out on of the best 3 point shooters of the past decade. You just don't find players who can score in bunches the way he can. And we already pay Nocioni $8 million but that seems to be a non-issue.

And one more comment. 19 mintues? Are you serious? You want to give Nocioni, Tyrus, & Thabo more minutes per game then our future franchise player? What a joke. I don't care if he dribbles the ball off his face every time down the court. I still want him playing 30+ mpg and truthfully I'd like him start every game and average 36 mpg the same way Chris Paul did as a rookie in all 78 games he played.

I agree, Gordon is the best guard that we have at the moment... That being said, Gordon was meant to play with Hinrich, and we have seen that that did not pan out, and we are moving to a new direction with Rose.

Lets remember that the Bulls are now rebuilding around our future superstar, Derrick Rose, who is only 19 years of age. We are not building around Gordon anymore.... Because of Gordon, the Bulls played Kirk in the 2 spot defensively, and we all know how much Kirk got into foul trouble... We also drafted Thabo because Paxson had a vision of Thabo handling the point guard duties....

Ben Gordon is asking for 10 mil a year.... The way the league pays big guys as of today, it looks like Noah and Tyrus will be asking for around the same money... Deng will prolly get around 10 mil or maybe a little bit more... Rose is going to be a superstar... So he might get somewhere around the max... Then theres the other role players such as Noc, Thabo, Gooden etc.... Are the Bulls really gonna play all those players all of that money?? Lets be realistic here, we are not keeping everyone. So we should trade Gordon and get something in return?? Another contract?? Guys, not many teams want Gordon because they have to build around him... You guys are making it sound so easy that we can get this player, or that player, or that other player....

At the very least we need to trade for an expiring contract and a 1st round pick (top 3 protected). There will be a boat load of teams (especially the Knicks) willing to make that kind of a deal.

In my opinion, i dont believe the knicks would be willing to do that... Trust me, the knicks want to get rid of contracts, not add some more... Furthermore, teams would rather have to pay a starter making 10 mil a year, not a bench player.... Its gonna be really hard finding a team that wants to pay 10 mil for a bench player, and also build around Gordon. Also, teams value their 1st round picks.

And one more comment. 19 mintues? Are you serious? You want to give Nocioni, Tyrus, & Thabo more minutes per game then our future franchise player? What a joke. I don't care if he dribbles the ball off his face every time down the court. I still want him playing 30+ mpg and truthfully I'd like him start every game and average 36 mpg the same way Chris Paul did as a rookie in all 78 games he played.

If your read it carefully, 19 minutes when the season starts.... 20+ after the all-star break... could be anywhere from 25 or even closer to around 30 mins. Eddog, Rose is still a young player who will need to learn a playbook, and needs to learn how to run a team in the pros. Rose will need to polish up quickly if he wants to get 20+ minutes. Playing the PG position in the NBA is not a peace of cake... Deron took a little bit to adjust and he had what, 3 years of college? Also, Rose has never played with any of the bulls players and needs to build some chemistry, and get a feel for everyone's game.... If kirk is here by the start of the season, he will be getting the majority of the minutes in the beginning, trust me... Lets not forget that Kirk is not that bad of a player...
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36658 · Replies: 23 · Views: 10,005

Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 01:36 PM


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QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jun 28 2008, 01:33 PM) *
Wow dude, NICE! biggrin.gif That's gotta be it.. ahaha

I agree, it is very nice laugh.gif
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36640 · Replies: 10 · Views: 6,625

Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 01:34 PM


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QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jun 28 2008, 02:36 PM) *
Thabo is a dark horse in all of this. He's an excellent rebounder for a shooting guard and he plays tremendous defense, I hope he makes it into the starting lineup this year so Rose doesn't have to worry about guarding other teams 2guard.

I agree with all of the above. And I just cant see Rose, a Rookie who is 6ft, 2 and a half inches guarding the Kobes, the TMacs, the Johnsons, the Carters, Durant ect... Not now, not in the future...
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36639 · Replies: 23 · Views: 10,005

Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 01:08 PM


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QUOTE (steve9347 @ Jun 28 2008, 02:03 PM) *
Dude, Derrick Rose is going to single-handedly make Ben Gordon a premier scoring guard in this league.


What about defense?...
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36637 · Replies: 23 · Views: 10,005

Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 12:29 PM


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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 28 2008, 01:17 PM) *
Oh my god, I might have vomited in my mouth a bit. Let Rose sit for a year? Thabo, Tyrus, and Noah in the lineup? Get rid of Gordon?

That team scores 75 points a game. Ugh.

So we should keep Gordon?... bringing him back for a year would be nice, but then we still have a loaded backcourt. I dunno if paxson is gonna move Hinrich so soon... Having Rose as our single pure point guard... I dunno but at the same time, i wouldnt be upset if it happened. Also, what happens if Rose goes down for a long period of time... No point guard.... Gordon is gonna be running the team? Hughes, Thabo?... I dunno about that...

As far as points per game goes... You do have a great point. Points could be hard to get... But we shouldnt forget that Thomas should be much improved, and the same with Noah. Thabo also showed that he could be a nice spot-up shooter. Plus we have a new coach, and new playbook. One thing that i liked was that VDN said that he will try to put everyone in good positions, and try to hide everyone's weeknesses. He will adjust to our players. On the other hand, when skiles came in, he didnt really adjust to the bulls players... I mean c'mon... How many times did we see Ben Wallace in a pick-and-roll? It boggled a lot of people's mind when we would see that.... New playbook, improved players, and a guy that can break down the D in Rose... Our Offense will be okay... Not the best, but okay.

Furthermore... It's all about defense. Defense will generate our Offense. I have no doubt in my mind that players will play harder than last year. Our defense fell down the charts big-time last year. We pretty much kept the same players, and our defense just became pathetic at times. What happened to taking charges?? In my opinion, guys didnt want to play for Boylan, and they grew tired of Skiles, and lack of communication. Im pretty confident that players will want to play for VDN bullssmilie1.jpg
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Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 12:10 PM


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I read this somewhere else, so i dont want any credit for it. Someone said he should wear number 17... 1.7% chance... and add 1 to our championship titles, and we get 7.... 1+7
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36632 · Replies: 10 · Views: 6,625

Posted on: Jun 28 2008, 12:02 PM


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Well, there are a lot of questions going on these days with the Bulls.. Who's out, who's in, right? In my humble opinion, im gonna share what i believe the route the Bulls organization should go with...

Lets start off with our key free agents, Mr. Deng and Mr. Gordon. Luol Deng should be kept, and i hate to say this but... Ben Gordon is out. No sign and trade or anything like that... Just let him walk out. Now, i know that there are some who think that Too much was invested for him, and we'd be losing a pick and blah blah blah.... I really like Gordon on the bulls, not only what he does on the court but how he handles himself off the court... That being said, as of today, the bulls backcourt is loaded and room needs to be made. With Rose now joining the team, I cannot see a Ben Gordon and Derrick Rose as our starting future backcourt. Ben will be coming off the bench making like what? 8-10 mill a year? Too much for a bench player.... That money will need to go to players like Deng, Thomas, Noah, and eventually Rose, who will most likely be making lots of money...

Why not sign and trade Gordon for a big guy? Well, in my opinion, i dont want to see another person coming in and taking time from our guys, Noah and Thomas. These guys need to develop, and develop fast. It's time to let them get their minutes, develop, and get more experience. Thats our future, so let them play! Thomas has shown that he can post some nice all around numbers when he gets lot of minutes out there...

Kirk Hinrich should be kept for a year, then traded away.... I wouldnt mind seeing Rose start right away, but Rose is still young and needs a lot to learn. One year coming off the bench shouldnt hurt him.

Free Agents.... I would like the bulls to go after 1 veteran big guy. Malik Allen came to my mind. I dont want this guy taking minutes from Thomas, Noah, Gooden, and even Gray.... I just think we need an insurance type of guy incase one of our bigs goes down.

To sum up, Deng, Rose, and Allen are in... Gordon, Duhon are out.


Hinrich- 29 mins: 11pts, 6 ast.
Sefolosha- 20 min: 8pts,
Deng- 35 mins: 18-19pts
Thomas- 26 mins: 11pts, 6.5 rbs, 1-2blk
Noah- 28 mins: 9pts, 7rbs


Rose- 19 mins: 9pts, 4.6 ast (After all-star break, i would like to see Rose get 20+ mins) 12-14 pts, 5-7 ast
Hughes- 18 mins: 10 pts
Nocioni 22 mins: 10pts (playing both F postions)
Gooden 28 mins: 12pts, 8rbs (playing PF and C positions)
Gray?- 0-10 mins... (depending on match ups)

As far as points per game goes... They could be higher IF and When Rose begins to take over the team... He is a guy that can and will break down the opposing defense, and he should be able to create easier shots for everyone...

In the near future, i would like to see Hinrich moved for a back-up for Rose and a scoring back-up for Sefolosha:-) Im not a big fan of keeping Hughes after his contract is over.... Maybe if he becomes more of a slasher instead of a chucker, then he might be a keeper... But i doubt it will happen.

On the last note, i do believe it would be great to bring an established All-Star type of player... But for what? The Bulls aren't ready to compete until Rose, Thomas, and Noah are veterans. Rose is soooo perfect for guys like Thomas and Noah, so i dont think our front court should be moved. As far as having a leader on the team, that would be great.... But i will say this: the Bulls will have their leader when Rose takes over the team. There is almost no question that he will be the Bulls best player in the future, and everyone will look up to him... This could be by the end of this year, or who knows, maybe 2-3 years from now. I just really think it depends on Paxson, what types of moves he's going to make, and how much playing time Rose is going to get.

We got our future SuperStar! Now we just gotta be a little patient.... Questions, comments, concerns? bullssmilie1.jpg
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #36629 · Replies: 23 · Views: 10,005

Posted on: Jun 6 2008, 05:38 PM


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QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jun 6 2008, 02:38 PM) *
The first time when it really started to surface was when Skiles called him out one day in the media saying something to the effect of "Tyrus running hard all the way down the court would be news to me".. I don't know how true that is but judging by his season it certainly didn't look like Tyrus put as much effort and work into his game as he should have.

Thanks for the info... I believe i do remember this quote... On another note, ive read in other forums how Tyrus always ran back on defense... but not offense... And i dunno if this is a reason, but the guards almost never gave it to their big men who got in early, good position on offense... I even remember hearing Stacy King saying how its pretty frustrating when your a big guy, your running hard, and you dont get the ball... But at the same time, if you're a guard, and you see Thomas gettin good low position, you might think, "should i give it to Thomas right now? His low post scoring isnt that good... Or should i just pull back, and run the offense, or take the shot".... Anyways, In brief, getting back on D is hustleling.

Also, Skiles knew Tyrus had/s potential, and he was always trying to push him more and more. He often made remarks to the media about him... He always made remarks about Gordon as well...

Im not just trying to defend the guy, just stating some other views... I heard how he had a monster work ethic before he was drafted... but who knows... I think we'll see how committed he is over the summer, and see how much he improves this year. That being said, i really hope he gets playing time as well bullssmilie1.jpg
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #35893 · Replies: 18 · Views: 9,240

Posted on: Jun 6 2008, 12:14 PM


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Somebody refresh my mind... But uhh... When did Tyrus became known as a lazy player?? Just curious to hear other people's thoughts on this subject...
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #35879 · Replies: 18 · Views: 9,240

Posted on: Jun 3 2008, 10:18 PM


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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 3 2008, 03:49 AM) *
Umm, wow. I thought you said you were a Tyson fan? And 3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false. He's not a shot-blocker at all. He has no skill. It's all athleticism. Tyrus' ball-handling is not good and he DEFINITELY isn't better than Tyson around the rim. Especially considering TT is one of the worst finishers around the bucket in the entire league.

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false.

I would like to hear those out plz. And in my opinion, and i think many would agree, yes he is a shot blocker. Chandler is not that good of a shot blocker compared to Tyrus. Tyrus has way better timing.

As far as ball-handling goes... They are above avg for a PF.

And yes, Tyrus is waaaaaay better at finishing around the rim then Chandler. They both arent that good, but Tyrus definately has the edge. Chandler has a horrible touch around the basket. Chandler can only dunk... His touch off the glass is Ben Wallace like. Tyrus isnt that great at it, but he definitely has the edge over Chandler. Ive seen Tyrus do reverse layups... His touch around the basket is not that bad. Believe me, i watched pretty much every single game the bulls played. If i worked that day, i recorded it and watched it:-D

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

Tyrus is a PF. WHy not?? He played most of his minutes there, no? It boggled my mind when i saw him get minutes at the SF position. And yes he does have the size to play that position. Height is soooo overrated. Tyrus wingspan and athletic ability is why he can play PF in this league. Just be patient and let him gain some more weight.

Im sry if i sound like a big homer or a huge fan or TT... Im just comparing him to Chandler... Both players arent that good... Except Chandler has the edge because he is an established defensive player... He's one of the best at rebounding and defense... And because of that, he fits in great with the Hornets. But other than that, IMO, he's below avg. in everything else.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #35825 · Replies: 33 · Views: 14,676

Posted on: Jun 2 2008, 06:17 PM


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Tyrus Thomas Fan Here.... All i got to say is this... Tyrus is still a young player... Chandler is considered to be more of a veteran type of player as of today, and to me, Tyrus looks like he just finished his rookie season. IMO, the bulls coaching staff did a bad job in developing Tyrus, especially with all of the inconsistent minutes going around... Not just with Tyrus, but with other players such as well...

So people are pretty satisfied with how Chandler turned out eh?.... The guy has barely changed since when he came into the league. He put on some weight like what? His 5th year?... I havent seen any developed offensive moves developed by Tyson Chandler... And trust me, he has had time... On the other hand, Tyrus did put some weight on last summer, as others mentioned, FT % improved, and he actually looks like he is gonna have a decent jump shot (if he continues to work on it). People, just be patient... The guy is very talented, and has a pretty nice overall game... He just needs to polish up... A lot... What about Chandler? The guy looks like he hit his peak already...

Tyrus got the start in the beginning of the year, and he looked fine... Then bulls started losing, players getting off to slow starts, and what did Skiles do? He sent Tyrus to the bench... And the there were some nights where he racked up some DNPs...

As i recall, Tyrus had a nice rookie season... Got off to a bad start as most prolly expected, but then he became a game changer by the end of the season. And yes, his defense was solid. Yes, he needs a little bit more muscle (it should be kicking in any day now;-) but he will be just fine. As good as Tyson Chandler defensively? I think he can be better... His help defense can be one of the best in the league with his ridiculous athletic ability.... but it will really depend on the coaching staff, schemes, and the bottom line, how much effort he is willing to bring in, night in and night out.

And speaking of effort, the bulls stopped playing for Jim Boylan... The guy was like a substitute teacher. The Bulls defense was a mess, not just Tyrus Thomas...

Derrick Rose... Someone breaking the Defense is what the Bulls need... As far as Rose looking for Thomas or Noah for the alley-oop goes... Rose didnt really show he passes it to his big guys in Memphis... So i dont really expect that to happen with the Bulls... at least not right away.... That being said, Rose is a great finisher by the rim, so he didnt really need to. Also, Rose just sucking in the defense, and throwing it up there is nice... That means that if it bounces off the rim, either Noah or Thomas will be there ready to throw it down for an easy 2 pts... The Bulls have like no attackers that drive in consistently, and Rose will be that guy...

Also, Paul didnt really show the best court vision in college, at least not as good as he is in the NBA... and also, i think that Byron Scott's offensive schemes plays a huge role in having CP3 throwing it to the Chandlelier... Scott also coached JKidd, another guy that threw a lot of alley-oops...

In brief, it would be nice if we got Rose, but it will depend a lot on the coaching staff, and the plays they run, and if they make it a priority to throw alley-oops for their big men. The potential is all there.... Rose having the ability to break down the D, and Thomas and Noah been athletic enough to go up there and throwing it down.... but we'll see what happens..
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 07:25 PM


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Noah battleling for an offensive rebound... Crowd cherring!

Alright.... thats it for me.... I gotta go and eat:-( This thread is for those who missed the game.

Bulls wining so far...25-15 with 9:10 into the 2nd q.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #31347 · Replies: 12 · Views: 6,090

Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 07:20 PM


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Joakim showing a great first step after turning around! He went for the dunk when somebosy else came to help but he got fouled.
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 07:17 PM


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Luol guarding roger Mason Jr... Doing a good job, moving his feet really well.

-Joe Smith In!

-Noc another 3!

-Jamison hurt his ankle... ouch

21-11 Bulls winning... Defense is already looking outstanding. Starters played pretty much all of the 1st quarter for the Wizards
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 07:05 PM


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-Ben Wallace showing off his fade-away... very nice

-Noc got poped in the noce trying to take a charge against A Jamison... Bulls timeout...

-Noah comes in for TT... no sign of Joe Smith so far

-Kirk Alley Oop to Deng!!

-TT was playing good so far... If he keeps playing like this, i dont see why he wouldnt start since Smith as been injured some time now...

-Kirk doing a great job on Arenas so far
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 06:56 PM


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TT looks like he worked on his free throws over the summer:-D
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 06:52 PM


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Noc comes in Quickly for Gardner... Luol at the 2
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Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 06:51 PM


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Good ball movement so far by the Bulls headbang.gif
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #31341 · Replies: 12 · Views: 6,090

Posted on: Oct 16 2007, 06:50 PM


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Ouch!!! TT with a follow up dunk!
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